Who? – Find out more about this innovative treatment.

ELOS Hair Removal technology is a safer, more effective choice for hair reduction. The device combines Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) with bi-polar radio frequency energy to get superior results.

What? - Insight into what goes on before and during the procedure.

The combination of gentle light and electric energies damage the hair follicles. This disables the follicle from growing hair, leading to a long term reduction of hair growth in the given area. Results can be seen gradually over several treatments.

Most people achieve satisfactory results after 5-8 treatments. For thicker & dark hair we recommend 7 to 10 treatments.

We also offer Electrolysis service to further complete our permanent hair removal after the laser treatment.

Where? – What problem areas and afflictions does it treat?

For women the most common areas of treatment include: face, neck, bikini line, nipples, tummy line, buttocks, arms and legs.

For men the most common areas of treatment include: face, neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, chest, and buttocks.

ELOS hair removal is the best option for people with lighter and thinner hair and can be used:

  • To improve self-confidence by having bump-free and hair-free smooth skin
  • To get rid of ingrown hair, which causes bumps and infections on the skin
  • To reduce the need for tweezing, waxing, and shaving
  • To get clean, glowing, and sexy skin
  • To increase performance and speed for professional sports players
  • To wear any type of clothing without feeling embarrassed or self-conscious

FYI – For Your Information

For this particular procedure we request that spray & sun tans fade before treatments begin. We recommend that clients avoid exposure to concentrated UV exposure 1 week before and 3-4 days after the treatment. In addition we advise the use a medical grade sun block to protect your skin from future sun damage.

Book your Complimentary consultation (416) 480-1700

And speak to one of our specialized staff. Receive a special IMD Laser Clinic gift card just for booking an appointment.

IMD Laser charity activity

Thanks to your trust in our services and your referrals, IMD Laser is proud to announce that we donate several times during each year to the following charities and organizations to support those that cannot help themselves. This is possible only through your trust in IMD Laser Clinic where you can look good and feel good.

sponsor autism ontario sponsor sickkids sponsor covenant house sponsor toronto police association sponsor epilepsy toronto